
Adventures in Mixed Media by Jane Davies. Some fabulous methods of decorating your own papers, combining paper and fabric, and making interesting things including picture frames out of foam core. She also has a lot of online resources

I am now subscribing to Cloth, Paper, Scissors the magazine and I love it. I plan to start entering their reader challenges in the near future. They also have a huge amount of resources on their website

This is the mother load of collage and general mixed media inspiration and information. Some day I hope to have a book published by Interweave Press. They have so, so many great books, magazines, DVDs, and I think you get the picture (pun intended).

Collage Lab by Bee Shay

New Creative Collage Techniques by Nita Leland – I want to try her project to make crystalline papers using gel medium and tissue paper. This really is an excellent introduction to the materials and theory of collage.

Creative Collage for Scrapbooks by Kelly Angard – this book has such a wonderful collection of some of my favorite techniques that I have tried and many that I still want to try. I love to incorporate transparencies in my journal and in my collages and she has so many fabulous techniques including one she calls “Vibrant Lacquers” that I am looking forward to trying. She provides a variety of image transfer techniques with clear instructions.

Bent, Bound & Stitched by Giuseppina Cirincione – how to incorporate wire into your collage.

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