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Here is my journal page for the Journal 52 Challenge on the topic of “Valentines.” I was so happy that my Mandala I did for the Diva’s Challenge last week would complete the page so nicely. You may notice it is the only mandala on the page. In my attempt to adhere to the 100 mandala challenge, I have veered off my path of gratitude. I am enjoying the mandalas, but I really need to work on the gratitude every day for my physical and mental health. My migraines have been getting a little worse (which makes mandala making beyond me) and my doctors and I haven’t quite been able to tease out why. I have been considering looking for some paying work or applying for Social Security Disability insurance and the increased pain levels make me think I need to go the latter route. That is really depressing. So, gratitude.

valentine and gratitude 001

Here is my 2 page spread for the past week.  One of the things I love about altered books is the serendipity of what is on the page I’m going to use for any given week. I really love the photographs in this book. Look how the huge rock suggests a huge heart. It works so well with the Lao Tzu quote, too. I played with some patterned papers to accent the photos and  did some journaling about my week and my love. I hope you have a lovely week.

The quotes, in case they aren’t very legible:

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply give you courage.      Lao Tzu

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.     Shakespeare

This week I’m grateful for things coming together nicely and the fun word serendipity. How about you?